Friday, May 27, 2011

{the crew}

Best Blogger Tips
just say cheese photography
meet us. the girls behind the lenses.

happy to announce drum roll please...finally. danielle is officially on board. and although she has been for awhile now. it's now that i found the time to blog it. so what i'm really sayin''s facebook official my friends. that makes me super happy!

i heart nikon. she's a canon girl.

we're both blessed with two beautiful baby girls. + wonderfully supportive husbands.

she is all about her mornin coffee. i'd rather crack an ice cold refreshing diet pepsi.
ha, mine sounds better...right!?! :)

as you can tell we have lots of fun together.

looking forward to the rest of this year and having lots in the works for 2012. get excited.
a huge thanks to all our clients. and to everyone who keeps comin back to take a look!
we really appreciate it. so thanks. Best Blogger Tips


Best Blogger Tips
sexy u boudoir shoots. there here to stay my friends. gotta love that.
don't forget any post that receives 30+ comments will win the client a FREE comment away!

meet {heather}
sexy u boudoir shoot
just say cheese photography studio

heather you are such an amazing. beautiful. kind hearted. sweet woman.

thanks for letting me share your swimsuit series.
you totally rocked it :)

~logan Best Blogger Tips

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Best Blogger Tips
michelle is getting married this weekend :)
she had decided that a sexy u boudoir shoot would make for her perfect grooms gift
pretty sure he will agree to that!

enjoy her mini sneak peek.

hope your wedding is all you dreamed of + more.

don't forget any post that receives 30+ comments will win the client a FREE comment away!

~logan Best Blogger Tips

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

{baby massimo}

Best Blogger Tips
meet the newest little bundle of love {baby} massimo.

enjoy his sneak peek.

(+) don't forget any post that receives 30+ comments will win the client a FREE comment away!

love {love} love this photograph of alyssa loving her baby brother right up.

got way too many photos to post, but had to of course add some little tossies for ya

it was a pleasure meeting you dennise and your beautiful family.
can't wait to have a play date together! Best Blogger Tips

Monday, May 23, 2011

father's day mini shoots

Best Blogger Tips
just say cheese photography
father's day mini shoots

just say cheese photography will be offering another father's day mini shoot session on june 11th from 8:30-10:30 am

your child(s) will get a 15 minute photo shoot
+ custom design their own frame for daddy
+ get a 4x6 print for the frame (your pick)
+ 4 wallets (perfect for grandparents or for daddy's wallet)

additional prints can always be ordered :)
images will be posted online for orders that of course will arrive before father's day!

please e-mail or call 239.272.3046 if you would like to schedule your father's day mini shoot!

shoots will be 15 minutes. only 2 spots available for each time hurry and book your time before it's too late!


there will be 2 we will get lots of shots.
if mama would like to join in on the photos that is just fine! Best Blogger Tips

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

{baby bryant}

Best Blogger Tips
pretty sure i always get a little baby fever when my phone rings and i hear the words...we'd like to setup a newborn session. gotta love hearing that. so i met baby bryant...who is a little cuddle bug let me tell you. and although i needa get my baby time. i also do realize that his parents might actually want some photos :) so i compromise and it all turns out...i get my baby fix and still manage to capture the perfectness of bryant.

enjoy the super small sneak peek for now.
more to come :)

~logan Best Blogger Tips

Monday, May 16, 2011


Best Blogger Tips
unquestionably beautiful.
thanks for letting me share these!

enjoy your sneak peek.

and if you have never left a comment now is the time to do so... a FREE something will be given to rose after 30+ comments are left, so help her out here. and get those comments rolling.

and if you haven’t already done so, head on over to the facebook fan page… and Like us already! Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

spring fling 2011

Best Blogger Tips
danielle and i met at the hammond stadium -twins training stadium- last night for our first all access concert and it was amazing! we did our best not to look too starstruck or too oh my gosh can you believe that we can go on stage. yes...on stage! pretty much what i'm trying to say is that it hit us pretty hard and we loved it. soaked it all up. every last song, the great fans, handmade i love you signs, the smell of freshly popped buttery popcorn, the $8.00 bill for 2 pops, lighters that waved throughout the dark sky, feet that tapped in rhythm, and smiles that stayed put long into the night.

even accidentally eavesdropped~overheard someone say...i want her job. i just smiled because well it's true i love my job. cats outta the bag my friends, but i'm guessing you already knew that.

soak up these my friends...

love how USA was chanted randomly throughout the night

remember those two lovebirds in the back
click HERE
and HERE.

andrew allen

and remember katie on the left
click HERE.

andy grammer

lee dewyze ... american idol winner :)

one eskimo


hope you enjoyed the images!
it was fun seeing so many of clients and friends out on a monday night. go fort myers!

~logan Best Blogger Tips
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